Youth employment and youth policies in Europe: are we doing enough?

Youth policies in Europe have been a priority for many governments in recent years. Young people are facing numerous challenges in today’s society, including high rates of unemployment, social exclusion, and lack of access to education and training opportunities. In response, the European Union and individual member states have developed policies and initiatives to support and empower young people.One of the key objectives of youth policies in Europe is to promote employment and reduce unemployment rates among young people. The European Union set a target of achieving a youth employment rate of at least 75% by 2020. By 2030, increase by x% the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

To achieve this, the European Union has developed several initiatives, including the Youth Guarantee, which provides young people with access to employment, training, or education within four months of becoming unemployed. This initiative has been successful in many countries, such as Finland, where youth unemployment has been reduced to less than 10%.In addition to promoting employment, youth policies in Europe also aim to provide young people with access to education and training opportunities.

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But what are they?. As Finn Denstad said in 2009  “Youth policies are commitments towards ensuring good life conditions and opportunities” 

The EU has set a goal: reducing the number of early school leavers to below 10%, and increasing the number of young people with higher education qualifications to at least 40% by 2020. To achieve these goals, the EU has developed several initiatives, including the Erasmus+ programme, which provides funding for young people to study  in another European country. The programme has been successful in promoting mobility and intercultural understanding among young people.Social inclusion is another important objective of youth policies in Europe. Many young people risk social exclusion due to factors such as poverty, disability, or Immigration status.

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Several initiatives to increase opportunities for young people . To address this issue, the EU has developed several initiatives, which includes  the European Solidarity Corps, and it  provides young people with opportunities to volunteer and engage in solidarity activities across Europe. The programme has been victorious in promoting social inclusion and fostering a sense of European citizenship among young people.Finally, youth policies in Europe also aim to promote youth participation in democratic processes and decision-making. Many young people feel disconnected from traditional political institutions and are less likely to participate in elections or other forms of civic engagement. To address this issue, the EU has developed several initiatives, including the Structured Dialogue, which provides a platform for young people to engage in a dialogue with policymakers on issues that affect them. The programme has been successful in promoting youth participation .Lastly , youth policies in Europe are an essential tool for promoting the rights and opportunities of young people , so that they live  with good living conditions without feeling excluded from society.

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The EU and member states have developed several initiatives to support young people in areas such as employment, education, social inclusion, and participation. Even though we have been making much progress, there is still much to be done to ensure that all young people in Europe have access to the opportunities and resources they need to increase.

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