Susret sa planinama koje ljube more.

Osim imena, koje počinje i završava se na isto slovo, postoje mnoge druge sličnosti koje je moguće primetiti između Srbije i Sardinije (more definitivno nije jedna od njih).

Ko je bio na Balkanu, zna da su ljudi prilično gostoljubivi, da vole deljenje momenata uz hranu i slavlje. Ljudi na Sardiniji su takođe topli, šarmantni i srdačni, možda čak za koji stepenik više. Njihova strastvenost se najviše ogleda u ljubavi prema sportu i timskom duhu koji ostavlja bez reči. Dok Italija zasluženo pobeđuje u fudbalu, Srbija nastavlja da zadržava status jedne od vodećih zemalja kada je reč o tenisu, vaterpolu, košarci i odbojci. 

Mare, foto Sara Djurdjevic
Mare, foto Sara Djurdjevic

Jedna stvar koja je prosečnom Srbinu teška za razumevanje jeste uvreda Italijana pri samoj pomisli na stavljanje kečapa ili majoneza na picu. Ili naručivanje kapućina u šest sati posle podne. Ovo su koncenzusi oko kojih se ne pokreće rasprava u Italiji, tako da je neophodno prihvatiti ih kao imperativ. U suprotnom preti doživotna etiketa turiste ili, u gorem slučaju, proterivanje iz zemlje. 

LEGGI ANCHE:  Una mostra fotografica per raccontare l’arte dello story telling e della partecipazione attiva.

Jedna od većih razlika koju je moguće primetiti između ova dva životna sistema odnosi se na kvalitet vazduha, koji je u Srbiji zabrinjavajuće narušen u prethodnih par godina, čemu kontinuirana seča zdravih stabala drveća u velikim gradovima ne pomaže.

Montagne, foto Sara Djurdjevic
Montagne, foto Sara Djurdjevic

Sa druge strane, Covid situacija je pokazala da je Srbija dosta naprednija u kreiranju sistema vakcinisanja, potvrda i svih drugih pojedinosti koje se odnose na trenutno stanje u svetu, iako drugi nivoi birokratskog funkcionisanja u zemlji ne mogu da posluže kao primer dobre prakse.

Lago, foto Sara Djurdjevic
Lago, foto Sara Djurdjevic

U svakom slučaju, sve pomenute i nepomenute razlike nestaju kada sena jednom mestu zadese mediteranska otvorenost i balkanska ljubopitivost. I kada svaki posetioc zanemi pred lepotom srpskih planina i sardinijskih plaža. I to je jedino što je važno – da umemo da uživamo i da se razumemo energetski.

Sara Djurdjevic

Meeting the mountains that kiss the sea.

Apart from the name, which begins and ends with the same letter, Serbia and Sardinia have many other similarities (the sea is definitely not one of them).

LEGGI ANCHE:  Capitale italiana della Cultura 2027: nessuna candidatura dalla Sardegna.

Anyone who has been to the Balkans knows that people are very hospitable, that they like to share moments with food and celebration. The people in Sardinia are also warm, charming, and cordial, maybe even a step higher. Their passion is related to love for sports and the team spirit that leaves you without words. While Italy deservedly wins in football, Serbia keeps a place in leading countries in tennis, water polo, basketball, and volleyball.

One thing that is difficult for the average Serb to understand is the offense of Italians at even thought of putting ketchup or mayonnaise on pizza. Or, ordering a cappuccino at six o’clock in the afternoon. These are a consensus that is not for debate in Italy, so it is necessary to accept them as an imperative. Otherwise, there is a threat of lifelong etiquette of the tourist. Or, in the worst case, deportation from the country.

LEGGI ANCHE:  Decreto Aree Idonee, Gianfranco Satta: "Risultato straordinario".

One of the differences between these two life systems is also related to air quality. Air in Serbia has become more polluted in the past few years, and the continuous cutting of healthy trees in big cities does not help.

On the other hand, the Covid situation has shown that Serbia is much more advanced in creating vaccination systems, certificates, and all details related to the current situation in the world, even if other levels of bureaucratic functioning in the country cannot serve as an example of good practice.

However, all mentioned and non-mentioned differences disappear when the Mediterranean openness and Balkan curiosity meet in one place. And when every visitor becomes speechless by the beauty of the Serbian mountains and Sardinian beaches. And that is the only important thing – to be able to enjoy and understand each other energetically.