Šta treba da znaš ako se seliš u Kaljari?

Pomisao na sredozemnu obalu neizostavno asocijacira na plažu, kupanje u moru i sunčanje. Ipak, deset dana letovanja nije isto što i promena mesta boravka. Zato je neophodno imati na umu da postoje univerzalna pravila koja se primenjuju na svaku selidbu, a postoje i ona koja se razlikuju u zavisnosti od mesta gde se osoba seli. U nastavku su neke od stvari koje treba da imaš na umu ukoliko te čeka selidba na Sardiniju. Ili specifičnije, u Kaljari: PONESI TOPLU ODEĆU. Činjenica je da je temperatura vazduha u najvećem delu godine viša nego u Srbiji, ali ipak duva vetar. A kad duva vetar, subjektivni osećaj kaže da je hladnije nego što zaista jeste (posebno zimi). Stanovi obično nemaju centralno grejanje, a prozori su na mnogim zgradama loši; NAUČI ITALIJANSKI JEZIK. Malo ko priča engleski. Ako ne znaš italijanski, obavezno proveravaj račun nakon odlaska u neki lokal. Postoji mogućnost da ti bude naplaćeno ili više ili nešto sasvim drugo u odnosu na ono što je naručeno; ŽIVOT JE SKUP. Hrana je skuplja u odnosu na Srbiju. Piće je skuplje. Odeća je skuplja. Ali zato je vazduh čistiji, hrana ukusnija, sniženja su veća, kvalitet života drugačiji (da ne kažem bolji – ali kriterijumi svih nas su drugačiji); NE OSTAVLJAJ BICIKL BEZ NADZORA (sa katancem ili bez njega). Kaljari je siguran grad. Do sada se ni jednom nisam osetila ugroženo. Nisam ni čula da se neko od ljudi u mom okruženju požalio da ih je neko napao ili odžepario. Ali, to se ne odnosi na bicikle. Zato ne ostavljaj bicikl napolju ukoliko nije okružen debljim sajlama koje imaju različite mehanizme i kombinacije za otljučavanje; NAUČI PRAVILA PONAŠANJA KADA JE REČ O KONZUMIRANJU HRANE I PIĆA. Veruj mi da ne želiš da uđeš u raspravu sa lokalcima oko toga kada se pije kapućino, koji sastojci nikako ne smeju biti u kombinaciji sa picom, šta jeste, a šta nije aperitivo itd; SARDINIJA JE U ITALIJI, ALI NIJE KAO OSTATAK ITALIJE. To će reći svaki stanovnik Sardnije. I to je tačno. A šta se razlikuje? Mnogo toga. Ima tu malo afričkog uticaja, ostrvskog načina života i umanjene mogućnosti za putovanjem, pa samim tim i istraživanjem različitosti.

LEGGI ANCHE:  Politiche giovanili, Mauro Capozzella: "Ha ancora senso il progetto AttivaGiovani?".

Sigurno postoje još neke sitnice koje nije loše da znaš, ali njih ćeš otkriti u hodu. Jer lepota u promeni zemlje je čar upoznavanja i isprobavanja. Zato… Srećan put!

Sara Đurđević


The thought of the Mediterranean coast is inevitably associated with the beach, swimming in the sea and sunbathing. However, ten days of vacation is not the same as changing your place of residence. So keep in mind that there are universal rules that apply to every move. And some differ depending on where the person moves. Below are some things to keep in mind if you move to Sardinia. Or specifically, to Cagliari: BRING WARM CLOTHES. The fact is that the air temperature is higher than in Serbia for most of the year, but there is still the wind. And when the wind blows, the subjective feeling says that it is colder than it is (especially in winter). Apartments usually do not have central heating and the windows in many buildings are bad; LEARN THE ITALIAN LANGUAGE. Few people speak English. If you don’t know Italian, be sure to check your bill before leaving to a bar. There is a possibility that you will be charged either more or something completely different from what you ordered; LIFE IS EXPENSIVE. Compared to Serbia, food is more expensive. Drinks are more expensive. Clothes are more expensive. But the air is fresher, the food is tastier, the discounts are higher, the quality of life is different (or even better – but the criteria of all of us are different); DO NOT LEAVE THE BIKE UNATTENDED (with or without padlock). Cagliari is a safe city. So far, I have never felt threatened. I have not heard of any of the people around me complaining that they have been attacked or robbed. But that doesn’t apply to bicycles. So, do not leave the bike outside unless it is surrounded by thicker cables that have different mechanisms and combinations for unlocking; LEARN THE RULES OF CONSUMING FOOD AND BEVERAGES. You don’t want to get into an argument with the locals about when to drink cappuccino, what ingredients should not be combined with pizza, what is and what is not an aperitivo, etc.; SARDINIA IS IN ITALY, BUT NOT LIKE THE REST OF ITALY. That is what every resident of Sardinia will say. And that is true. And what is the difference? A lot of it. Because of African influence, an island way of life and reduced opportunities to travel and explore diversity.

LEGGI ANCHE:  Matera: nasce l'ufficio politiche giovanili.

There are certainly some other little things that are not bad to know, but you will discover them on the road. The beauty of changing the country brings the charm of trying and getting to know. So, have a nice trip!

foto Sardegnagol, riproduzione riservata /Sara Durdevic